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Black British Ballet

Henderson Williams

Ethnic heritage: Black British (Barbadian parents)

Born 1965, died 2023

Training: London Studio Centre

Ballet career: Henderson Williams was inspired to dance as a child. During the 1970s, he attended the East End Theatre and Performing Arts camp, and he took classes at The Dance Centre in Covent Garden, Dance Works, and The Place (London Contemporary Dance School). In the mid 80s, Williams studied at the London Studio Centre, where he and other students were invited to attend Arthur Mitchell’s company class in London.

Mitchell offered Williams an opportunity to join Dance Theatre of Harlem and in 1987 he travelled to New York to attend classes and become an apprentice for the rehearsal company. In 1988, he left the company.

Dance career: Williams danced in commercials, and in trade and fashion shows. In 1993, he appeared on the BBC’s Clothes Show. In 1994, he moved to Forsberg, Austria to work for Paul Swaby, Director of Cult of Fashion, on a nine-month tour. He then moved to Germany. From 1996-2000, Williams was a model for the Clothes Show. After retiring from dance, he trained as an electrician.

Keep on going and be open minded
- Henderson Williams